Gustavus Adolphus College sophomore Claire Curran recently received an invitation to serve as a guest blogger for The Washington Post’s blog titled “The Faith Divide.”
Normally authored by Founder and Executive Director of the Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) Eboo Patel, “The Faith Divide” blog considers the religious events and issues that bring people together or drive them apart.
Curran is a religion major at Gustavus who is engaged in a summer internship at IFYC. The IFYC is an organization aimed at building mutual respect and pluralism among young people from different religious traditions by empowering them to work together to serve others. Curran is working as the Development Intern this summer at IFYC where her duties include writing grant reports, updating the organization’s database, writing fundraising e-mails, and helping to develop its annual fund campaign for next year.
This upcoming academic year at Gustavus, Curran will serve as a Chapel Apprentice, a team leader for Gustavus Youth Outreach, and an intern for the Center for Vocational Reflection.
Below is an excerpt and link to Curran’s blog post which is titled “Inheriting Religious Prejudice.”
“As I read about the renewed conflict in Ireland last week, it struck me how easy it is to pass down prejudice, hatred and violence from generation to generation. Last weekend in Belfast, Pro-British and Pro-Protestant parades ignited violent protests. Many of these protesters are children and young adults who have inherited this pattern of hatred and violence.”
Click here to read the entire blog post.
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