Month: September 2020
NSF Grant Supports Study of Deliberation in STEM Classrooms
Gustavus communication studies professor Pam Conners and chemistry professor Amanda Nienow will contribute to a project led by a Wabash College team.
Nobel Conference 56 Goes Virtual October 6-7
The 2020 Nobel Conference, Cancer in the Age of Biotechnology, will explore the science and ethics surrounding cutting-edge treatment.
S.4 E.5: Peace and Reconciliation
Learning for Life @ Gustavus host Greg Kaster interviews Gustavus professor of political science and peace studies, Dr. Mimi Gerstbauer.
S.4. E.4: Researching Aging and Long-Term Care
Learning for Life @ Gustavus host Greg Kaster interviews Gustie alum and expert on healthy aging at the University of Minnesota, Dr. Joseph Gaugler.
SSRC Grant Explores COVID-19’s Impact on Marginalized Communities
Professor Maddalena Marinari is partnering on a project to explore the impact of COVID-19 on African, Asian, and Latinx immigrants and refugees.
New Series Tackles History of Race and Christianity in U.S.
Religion professor Sarah Ruble has developed an eight-part series exploring race and Christianity throughout the nation’s history.
S.4. E.3: Ni de Aquí Nor from There
Learning for Life @ Gustavus host Greg Kaster interviews Spanish professor and podcaster Angelique Dwyer.
Remembering the BSO
Excerpts from conversations with Gustavus alumni pioneers of the Black Student Organization.
S.4 E.2: “A Covenant with Death”
Learning for Life @ Gustavus host Greg Kaster interviews preeminent historian of slavery and the law, and president of Gratz College, Paul Finkelman.
S.4 E.1: A Vocation in Education
Learning for Life @ Gustavus host Greg Kaster interviews Crystal Polski ’04 of the Minneapolis Public School Disctrict.