Dr. Joy Lintelman, a 1980 graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College and current Professor of History at Concordia College, Moorhead, will return to her alma mater Thursday, Feb. 25 to deliver a free public lecture titled “Having Things Better: Swedish Immigrant Women in America.”
Lintelman will speak at 7:30 p.m. in room 103 of the F.W. Olin Hall for Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science.
Lintelman recently published a book titled I Go to America: Swedish American Women and the Life of Mina Anderson. Lintleman decided to write the book after discovering Anderson’s memoir while researching an archive in Sweden. The book traces Anderson’s trip across the Atlantic Ocean to Wisconsin and then to the Twin Cities, where she worked as a domestic servant. Eventually she married and she and her husband worked a farm, raised seven children, and contributed to rural Swedish community life in Minnesota.
Lintelman has been teaching history at Concordia since 1989. Her research interests include ethnic/immigration history, women’s history, Native American history, and U.S. social history. In addition to her lecture, Lintelman will also visit classes at Gustavus on Feb. 24-25. Copies of I Go to America are available for purchase at the Book Mark.
For more information about Lintelman’s visit to campus, contact Professor of History Tom Emmert at tomo@gustavus.edu.
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