Gustavus Library Associates (GLA) will host its annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Saturday, March 6 at Mount Olivet Lutheran Church in Minneapolis.
Will Hale and the Tadpole Parade will create a fun atmosphere filled with music and plenty of audience participation, excitement, and energy. There will also be a bake sale with proceeds going to GLA. Tickets are $9 per person, but free for children under the age of two. Tickets are available online at gustavustickets.com.
For questions or phone orders, call Dana Lamb in the College’s Office of Marketing and Communication at 507-933-7550 or email dlamb@gustavus.edu
GLA is a friends-of-the-college organization dedicated to the support and advancement of the College’s Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library. Since organizing in 1977, GLA has raised more than $2.5 million for the library endowment fund, acquisitions, and non-budgeted special collections.
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