Archive for Stephanie AshPage 6

What I Did This Summer: Minh Le ’19

Lee helped develop audience and social media strategy for the Nobel Conference, and he played a little soccer too.

Dream On: Antonio Gomez ’14

Despite the prolonged suspension of his citizenship status, Antonio Gomez ’14 continues to move forward with tenacity and talent.

NOBEL 52: Why Learn More About Economics?

An essay by Chris Farrell, senior economics contributor for American Public Media’s Marketplace, on how economics helps us make sense of society’s knottiest issues—questions that go to the heart of American and global life.

NOBEL 52: Why Economics Matters

A conversation between Gustavus economics professor and graduate Jeff Owen ’92, renowned economist Deirdre McCloskey (Owen’s graduate school advisor), and Gustavus Adolphus College.

NOBEL 52: Can We Grow Economies That Benefit All?

The 52nd Nobel Conference brings leading economists to Gustavus Adolphus College to explore today’s economics questions: Does inequality matter? Can we bring the prosperity of advanced economies to the rest of the world? How do we grow economies to benefit most, if not all? It all depends on where you start, say the economists attending the conference.

Move-In Day Complete. Welcome, Class of 2020.

This year’s first-years boast an average high school grade point average of 3.61 and an average ACT score of 27. Twenty percent graduated high school with a 4.0 or higher. There are fourth-generation Gusties among them, and there are those who are the first in their families to attend college. They hail from 35 states and 13 countries.

What I Did This Summer: Hubert-Christian Ngabirano ’18

For six weeks, Ngabirano helped build and lead the inaugural Gustavus Academy for Faith, Science, and Ethics.

Incoming First-Years: Here’s what to bring.

Philip Rogosheske ’66 showed up to Move-In Day ’62 with this radio. It survived four more years, and then another 50. (It still works.) No need for radios now, with smartphones and laptops, but there is other gear to bring. We asked the experts (Gustavus students and alumni). They answered, with good ideas, total surprises, […]

Mentor Pair: Randy Lee ’84 and Jack Anderson ’16

Best advice from Lee ’84 to Anderson ’16: 1. You need to stay positive and optimistic in business. You need attitude and confidence and optimism as an entrepreneur. 2. With every major decision, imagine three different conclusions: Worst case scenario, best case scenario, and most likely. You will find a way to weigh the decision […]

Mentor Pair: Courtney West ’11 and Haley Coller ’16

Best advice from mentor Courtney West to mentee Haley Coller: 1) Take notes about what your manager does for you. Tell them how they have helped you grow. 2) At the end of the day, people will recognize top talent. It’s okay to tell them no for now. 3) Maintain your business relationships. Managers may […]