Author: News Office
Twin Cities Real Estate Variations Not the Norm
Recent research shows that the Twin Cities real estate market does not follow the pattern of other major metropolitan areas.
Gustavus Adolphus College Students Study Abroad and Throughout the United States
This January, 242 Gustavus Adolphus College students are studying abroad in international study programs. In addition, 74 students are traveling domestically for January Term, including tours by the Gustavus Choir, the Gustavus Wind Orchestra.
Septic Systems, Wind Power, and Bike Trails: Service Learning for Social Justice
Last semester, Gustavus Adolphus College students worked with Nicollet County, St. Peter, and College officials to analyze several proposed projects that may soon impact the St. Peter and Mankato area.
Music From Gustavus
The Gustavus Choir, the Gustavus Wind Orchestra and the Gustavus String Orchestra will perform 37 concerts in 15 states between Jan. 20 and Feb. 13.
February Continuing Education Events at Gustavus
The public is invited to two community continuing education events at Gustavus Adolphus College in February.
Chapel Bells Toll For Tsunami Victims
Christ Chapel carillon at Gustavus Adophus College will toll Wednesday from 10:20 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. as part of “A Day of Remembrance and Response.” This is in remembrance of those who have died as a result of the tsunami in Southeast Asia.
St. Lucia 2004 Crowned at Gustavus
During Gustavus Adolphus College’s 63rd annual Festival of St. Lucia, to be held Thursday, Dec. 9, one sophomore and four of her classmates will be selected to serve as St. Lucia and the Lucia Court.
Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar to Give Lecture
Richard Leppert, Samuel Russell Distinguished Chair in the Humanities at the University of Minnesota, will give a lecture, titled “Food for Thought: Representation, Eating, and the Imaginary Self.”
Old Main Renovations Set to Begin
To keep Old Main a functional part of campus, a complete renovation of the building will begin in early 2005.
Stargaze with Meteorologist Mike Lynch
The public is invited to a continuing education lecture by Mike Lynch, broadcast meteorologist at WCCO Radio, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 14 in F.W. Olin Hall, room 103.