Toni Calasanti, a professor of sociology at Virginia Tech University, will give a talk titled “Age Matters” at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8 in Beck Hall Room 101. Calasanti’s visit to campus is sponsored by the departments of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies and Economics and Management and is free and open to the public.
Calasanti will challenge feminist thinking by highlighting age as a core site of social inequality. Her work demonstrates the ways that taking age relations into account transforms what we know about gender. Her campus talk will focus on some surprising findings from her research on spousal caregivers to make clear why age matters when we look at gender and care.
Calasanti holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Loyola Marymount University and a master’s degree and Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky. At Virginia Tech, Calasanti is also a faculty affiliate of both Women’s and Gender Studies and the Center for Gerontology. She is author and editor of several books and articles on gender and aging, including her most recent book titled Nobody’s Burden: Lessons from The Great Depression on the Struggle for Old-Age Security.
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