Rev. Grady St. Dennis ‘92, Director of Church Relations at Gustavus Adolphus College, was nominated and elected to serve as chaplain of the Minnesota House of Representatives on Monday, Jan. 10. Rev. St. Dennis will replace former Gustavus President, Rev. Dennis J. Johnson, who served as House Chaplain for the past two years.
Rev. St. Dennis will add the part-time duties associated with the House Chaplain position to his current responsibilities at Gustavus, which will include serving as Associate Director of the College’s emerging Center for Servant-Leadership which will be officially launched at the Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations (GACAC) Convention on Saturday, April 9.
“I’m honored to have been elected and to have the opportunity to serve in this unique role,” St. Dennis said. “I’m hoping to provide spiritual guidance to the political leaders of our state who have some tough and challenging times ahead of them this legislative session.”
Following his graduation from Gustavus in 1992, Rev. St. Dennis completed his M.Div. at Luther Seminary in St. Paul. Following ordination, he served as Associate Pastor at Mount Olivet Lutheran Church in Minneapolis for eight years before accepting his current position at the College in 2007.
Rev. St. Dennis leads the College’s church relations efforts with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and its congregations, with particular attention to the Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations (GACAC). He represents the College at ELCA gatherings, synod assemblies, and other church-related gatherings. He serves on the Lutheran Youth Outreach and Companion Synod Boards of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod of the ELCA.
“Gustavus is extremely proud of the fact that the College’s Director of Church Relations, Rev. St. Dennis, will be serving as House Chaplain this legislative session,” Gustavus President Jack R. Ohle said. “This is an example of an alumnus committed to service and leadership which is at the center of the College’s mission. Like former President Dennis Johnson before him, Rev. St. Dennis will be a huge asset to the state’s leaders in St. Paul.”
Click here for a complete list of Minnesota House Chaplains, dating back to 1849.
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