Stoll will leave Minnesota for China on Friday, Oct. 22 and return on Thursday, Oct. 28. The Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics is widely recognized as the leading institute in China for Stoll’s specialty area of separation science.
In one application of separation science, the goal of the work is to decipher how to take a water sample that contains tens of thousands of different chemical compounds and separate that from the molecule one is trying to measure. Stoll’s recent research has focused on new approaches to this process with goals of making more accurate measurements in a shorter amount of time and at a lower cost.
For example, Stoll has measured the concentrations of an anti-seizure drug and a chemical found in most hand soaps on campus in the wastewater going into and out of the St. Peter water treatment plant.
In his lectures in China, Stoll will be discussing work that has been carried out in collaboration with a number of people over the past five years including several Gustavus students, both current and alumni. The Gustavus students who have worked with Stoll in his laboratory include Jeremy Bedard ’09, Scott Simpkins ’10, Michael Swenson ’10, Tomas Liskutin ’10, and Steve Groskruetz ’12.
“The contributions of these students to the most recent work have been extensive,” Stoll said. “A paper describing our work will appear in the online version of the Journal of Chromatography in the next couple of the weeks.”
Stoll has also collaborated with several professional chemists outside of Gustavus including University of Minnesota professor Peter Carr, University of Southern Illinois professor Joe Davis, and Xiaoli Wang at Agilent Technologies.
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