The 37th annual St. David’s Day celebration at Gustavus Adolphus College will be held Monday, March 1.
At 10 a.m., a 150-voice student massed choir directed by Dr. Patricia Kazarow will lead the Christ Chapel congregation in the singing of four hymns from the National Gymanfa Ganu (Welsh Association) official hymnal. The four hymns this year will be “Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow,” “My Song is Love Unknown,” “Lead, Kindly Light,” and “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah.”
This unique event was founded by Emeritus Professor of Economics and Management Ellis Jones. Jones is a past executive director for the Welsh National Gymanfa Ganu Association.
Welsh people around the world observe St. David’s Day on or near March 1. Characteristic of the Welsh celebration is singing hymns in parts (called a Gymanfa Ganu and pronounced Guh-mahn-vuh Gah-nee). The annual Gustavus hymn sing brings many off-campus guests to join the on-campus community – making it the largest of its kind in Canada and the United States.
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