Gustavus Adolphus College will celebrate its 69th annual Festival of St. Lucia at 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 10 in Christ Chapel. As a part of this seasonal tradition, six sophomore women have been chosen to serve on the Lucia court.
This year’s court consists of Colleen Peterson, Mary Dierkes, Anna Swenson, Whitney O’Connell, Jennifer Fox, and Rebecca Hohag. The women are chosen based on academic achievement, spiritual leadership, charity, kindness, and service to the College and others.
The festival of St. Lucia begins the Christmas season in Swedish custom and is
traditionally held on December 13. On this day in Sweden, the eldest daughter plays the role of St. Lucia by preparing and serving baked goods and coffee to her family at sunrise. Wearing a crown of lighted candles, Lucia represents the return of light that will end the long winter nights and serves as a symbol of hope and peace for the
Christmas season.
At Gustavus, the St. Lucia Court traditionally sings carols through the College’s residence halls during the early morning on the day of the crowning. Lucia is chosen through a campus community vote, which will take place on Monday, Dec. 7 and Tuesday, Dec. 8.
A traditional Scandinavian smorgasbord luncheon will take place in Alumni Hall at 11 a.m. following the crowning of this year’s St. Lucia. The ceremony is open to the public, however luncheon tickets are sold out. For more information contact the Office of Marketing and Communication at 507-933-7550.
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