Shawn Otto, co-founder and CEO of Science Debate 2008, has been added to the 2009 Nobel Conference line-up at 8:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 6. Otto will replace poet-playwright Derek Walcott who was forced to cancel due to medical reasons.
Otto, along with former Minnesota governor Arne Carlson and U.S. House representatives Vernon Ehlers and Rush Holt, Jr., organized Science Debate 2008 which was a grassroots campaign to urge 2008 presidential candidates to discuss issues related to the environment, health and medicine, and science and technology. Both President Obama and John McCain participated in the initiative, which marked the first time in history the endorsed candidates for president laid out detailed science policies before the election.
Otto is also a filmmaker, science advocate, speaker, and writer. He is the screenwriter and co-producer of the Academy Award-nominated movie House of Sand and Fog. His first screenplay, Shining White, won the Heathcote Award, the McKnight Fellowship, and the Barry Morrow Fellowship.
Any questions about this schedule change can be directed to the Gustavus Office of Marketing and Communication at 507-933-7520.
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