Gustavus Adolphus College will host award-winning Swedish filmmaker Stefan Quinth on Monday, Oct. 12. Quinth and William Beyer, former education, collections, and programs director for the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis, will screen their new film “Pretty Much 100% Scandinavian,” at 7 p.m. in room 127 of Confer Hall.
“Pretty Much 100% Scandinavian” is a light-hearted exploration of contemporary Scandinavian America. The film samples over 100 hours of footage after Quinth and Beyer circled around the Twin Cities and followed Scandinavian American trails from St. Peter to Grand Marais, Moorhead to Grand Rapids, and eastern North Dakota to western Wisconsin.
Quinth has been making films since 1976 and specializes in working with animals, nature, and diverse cultures. He has worked and filmed in more than 40 different countries and has recently concentrated on Kodiak, Alaska, Egypt, and Sri Lanka. He has produced a long list of films that have been aired on Swedish and international television.
Quinth’s past films include “The Elephants of Paradise,” a film that addresses the plight of elephants on the island of Sri Lanka, “Kodiak: The Island of the Great Bear,” and “My Dear Elsa,” the story of a woman who spent 31 years locked in a mental institution.
Quinth’s films have won awards at film festivals in the United States, Estonia, Russia, and Mexico, while one is currently a festival finalist in Japan.
The screening of “Pretty Much 100% Scandinavian” is free and open to the public. For more information about the screening or Quinth’s visit to campus, contact Gustavus Professor of Scandinavian Studies Roland Thorstensson at 507-933-7423 or rollo@gustavus.edu.
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