Tag: research
Gustavus Announces New Undergraduate Research Fellowship
The Arthur L. Johnson Research Fellowship will provide collaborative summer research opportunities to talented students.
Stoll Named One of Top Ten Separation Scientists Worldwide
The chemistry professor was recognized for his cutting-edge work in multidimensional liquid chromatography by The Analytical Scientist.
Undergraduate Research Leads to Mayo Clinic for Sara Graves
After joining the Gustavus community as a PSEO student, the senior is set to return to the Mayo Clinic for research after graduation.
Research Drives Anna Krieger ’17 to Awards, Grad School
Hands-on research as a first-year student laid the foundation for Anna Krieger’s path to grad school, with a few awards along the way…
Gustavus Professor Dwight Stoll Receives Thought Leader Award from Agilent Technologies
The chemistry professor will lead an international team of researchers from academia and industry using 2D-LC for biopharmaceutical analysis.
Emily Seelen ’13 Studies Water Quality in Sweden
After receiving a NSF Fellowship in 2014, Seelen was recently awarded funding to conduct research related to her doctoral dissertation in Sweden.
What I Did This Summer: First-Year Research Experience
From mercury levels to insect metabolism, First-Year Research Experience (FYRE) students talk up summer.
Student-Professor Duo Researches Glaciers in Ecuador
The pair aims to understand the many implications of glacial retreat.
Kelly Neubauer ’18 Conducts Atmospheric Research at SRI International
Neubauer is exploring atmospheric chemistry at the leading research institute.
Summer Research Students Study Water Pollution Solutions in the Minnesota River Basin
A trio of students are getting their hands dirty studying how changing agricultural practices might improve water quality in the Minnesota River.