Homecoming and Family Weekend 2007 is set for Oct. 12-14 and will include alumni reunions, a traditional homecoming parade, music concerts, workshop sessions, athletic events, and much more.
Following is a list of the weekend events, which are open to the public without charge except where indicated.
Friday, Oct. 12
-Parents are invited to visit classes
Saturday, Oct. 13
-9 a.m. – 5K Fun Run from Three Flags ($3, payable on site, includes t-shirt)
-9 a.m. – Seminar: “Outsmarting the Idiot Box: A Critical Approach to TV’s Impact on Our Identity,” Martin Lang (communication studies), Heritage Banquet Room
-9 a.m. – Seminar: “How Not to Hover,” admission staff, St. Peter Banquet Room
-10 a.m. – Morning Praise and Alumni Memorial Service, Christ Chapel
-10:30 a.m. – Seminar: “Parenting Successful College Students,” faculty and staff, St. Peter Banquet Room
-10:30 a.m. – Seminar: “Paying for College,” Mary Booker (student financial assistance), Presidents Dining Room
-10:30 a.m.-noon – Book Signing: Esbj! The Heart and Mind of a Professor, by authors Robert Esbjornson (religion, emeritus) and Dennis Johnson (v.p., college relations, and interim president, ret.), Book Mark
-10:45 a.m. – “International Memories,” gathering of alumni who studied abroad and international student alumni, Courtyard Café
-1 p.m. – Football vs. St. John’s, Hollingsworth Field (ticket required)
-1 p.m. – Women’s Soccer vs. Bethel, Soccer Field
-1:30 p.m. – Discover Linnaeus Arboretum, with an arboretum naturalist, Lind Interpretive Center
-2:30 p.m. – Seminar: “The Global Terrorist Threat,” Tom Maertens, former U.S. Department of State deputy coordinator for counterterorism (parent), F.W. Olin 103
-5 p.m. – Homecoming/Family Weekend Banquet, Jackson Campus Center Banquet Rooms (featuring awarding of First Decade Awards to 1997 grads Alex Hill and Jennifer Pleuss Spande; pre-purchased tickets required)
-7 p.m. – Chicago Comedy Company, Jussi Björling Recital Hall
Sunday, Oct. 14
-10 a.m. Worship Service/Holy Communion, with the Choir of Christ Chapel, the Gustavus Philharmonic Orchestra, Chapel Bells, and Chapel Brass, Christ Chapel
-11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. – Jazz Brunch, featuring the Gustavus jazz ensembles, Evelyn Young Dining Room
-1:30 p.m. – Family Weekend Showcase Concert (see below), Christ Chapel
-4:30 p.m. – Diversity Center Banquet, Jackson Campus Center Banquet Rooms (no charge, but advance registration required)
Many Homecoming celebratory activities were held throughout the week as well, such as the traditional crowning of a Homecoming King and Queen of the student body and the second annual campus community Scarecrow-Building Contest in Linnaeus Arboretum.
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