Darrell Jodock, Bernhardson Distinguished Professor of Religion at Gustavus Adolphus College, has been appointed to chair the ELCA consultative panel on Lutheran Jewish relations for a three-year term beginning April 1.
The panel, formed in the early 1990s, formulated the “Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to the Jewish Community,” which was adopted by the ELCA in 1994. That declaration rejected the anti-Judaic statements made by Luther late in his life. The panel produced “Guidelines for Lutheran-Jewish Relations” in 1998 and “Talking Points: Topics in Christian-Jewish Relations” in 2002.
Currently, it participates in an ongoing dialogue with Reform Jews, is involved in a joint effort by major Jewish organizations and the National Council of Churches to foster peace in the Middle East, and is producing a book to update church leaders about Jewish-Christian dialogue.
Jodock has served on the panel since 2001 and as a professor at Gustavus since 1999.
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